Upcoming Events

Off-Campus Events:

On-Campus Events:


Homecoming Weekend

Nov. 2, 2024







Class of 1969's 55th Reunion Web Page Archive


May 23 - 26, 2024


Web pages

55th Reunion Retrospective, coming soon

Main Class Home page for 2023-2024, our 55th Reunion year

Reunions-specific general info page, our intro page to help classmates register and provide schedule & maps

Schedule of Events page, centered on Class of '69 activities and participants

Mobile Site How-to page, introducing and explaining our mobile site

See Who's Coming page, kept updated manually by our Reunions Chair

Yearbook cover page and browser link, provided by RT.  A really cool soft-copy yearbook format.

50th Reunion Class photo, May 25th, 2024

Wine Tasting Descriptions, listing every wine with its characteristics and background

Cheese Tasting Descriptions, listing every cheese with its characteristics and background

Video Links, coming soon

Annual Giving update page, coming soon


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