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Class of '69 Event Archive

Links to Photos of and Articles about Past Class Events


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Major Trips

'69 in Germany, September, 2013                      
 Photos Article
'69 in France, September, 2010 Photos Article


On-Campus Events

Class Dinner and Homecoming, October, 2021*
Alumni Day & Class Dinner, February, 2015 Photos
Class Dinner, October 25, 2014

CSF Tribute to Seva Kramer, April, 2013 PhotosArticle
Alumni Day & Class Dinner, February, 2013 Photos 
Class Dinner, October, 2012*  Photos 
Alumni Day & Class Dinner, February, 2012* Photos 
Class Dinner, November, 2011*    Photos 
Homecoming, 2004  Photos 


Canyonlands of the Southwest, 2022 Photos Article
Williamsburg, Historic Triangle, VA, 2015
Charlottesville, October, 2012 Photos Article
Springfield, October, 2011 Photos Article
Antietam, October, 2009
Gettysburg II, September, 2008 Photos 
Gettysburg, September, 2007 Photos 


Jim Gregoire's odyssey completion, Long Beach, WA, October, 2013
 Photos Article
DC visit to Udvar Hazy National Air and Space Muesum, October, 2013
 Photos Article

Other Off-Campus Events

Princeton in Africa Annual Gala, New York, October, 2014
 Photos Article
Installation of Jeff Von Arx as Fairfield U. President Photos 
Dave Gardner Magic Project, 2006 Photos 


* Article and photos together

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