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About Princeton in Africa:

Princeton in Africa offers yearlong fellowships to recent college grads of U.S. colleges and universities (link).

Princeton in Africa (PiAf) was founded in 1999 by a group of Princeton alumni, faculty, and staff as an independent organization affiliated with Princeton University.  PiAf seeks to encourage American/African collaboration, to provide effective assistance to the world's most underserved continent, and to create a constituency of young leaders committed to Africa's advancement.  To do this, we offer yearlong fellowship opportunities with a variety of organizations that work across the African continent, such as Africare, Generation Rwanda, the International Rescue Committee, mothers2mothers and World Food Program.  A full list of our partner organizations can be found here.

What began as a small group of four Fellows has evolved into a network of almost 200 alumni and 26 Fellows in 18 countries serving 15 partner organizations in the 2010-2011 fellowship year.  PiAf creates an excellent opportunity for both partners and Fellows, where organizations enjoy access to an exceptionally motivated and talented group of young people and Fellows gain a unique experience in Africa that translates into a lifelong commitment to African affairs and service.

As an independent 501(c)(3) organization affiliated with Princeton, PiAf is not funded by the University.  We rely on the generosity of numerous individuals, corporations, and foundations to fulfill our mission.


Princeton in Africa Founders' Video:

In this video, the three Princeton in Africa Co-Founders (Jim Floyd, George Hritz and Frank Strasburger) and Emily Holland (one of PiAf’s first two Fellows) discuss the history of Princeton in Africa as an organization. This video was produced by Emmy Award-winning videographer James Blue and shown for the first time at PiAf’s 2014 Annual Gala. At the gala, the co-founders were honored with the first-ever Princeton in Africa Founders’ Medal for their initiative in establishing an organization committed to service, their passion for developing young leaders, and their commitment to the advancement of Africa.


Further information

To find out more about us, please visit our website at www.princetoninafrica.org.  Please press this button to donate to Princeton in Africa.

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