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On-Campus Events:
How-to and FAQsHandy tips for navigating the site and completing routine tasksUpdated December 18, 2014 to reflect switch to from PayPal
Click your topic to jump to the instructions:
How To Establish a Login ID and PasswordThe University has recently tightened its security requirements, now using your name and email to validate your identity before granting full access. Here are the steps:
2. Fill in your name and email, using your full name (no nicknames) and the email on record with our Class Profile database, then click "submit"
3. You'll see a page asking for a username and password. Fill in with a User name and Password that you'll be able to remember!
4. When you click "submit" from this page, the system will send a "validation" email to the address you provided. This is a security measure required by the University, and may take several hours. When you get that email, just follow the directions, and you'll have full access to our site:
How To Recover if you've Forgotten your PasswordIt's easy to recover from a forgotten password. Here are the steps:
2. Fill in your first name, last name and email, using your full name (no nicknames) and the email on record with our Class Profile database, then click "submit"
3. You'll receive an email from our web host with instructions for resetting your password, and you're in business!
How To Pay Dues and Make ContributionsWe have tried to make this process as easy as possible, providing quick links to contributions pages and using as our payment processor. You can use your regular credit card, and you don't need to be logged into the web site, but your Payment History will be updated only if you are logged in. Here are the steps:
1. Access the Class Dues page using the Class Dues via the Giving pull-down menu. (NOTE: you can access the Dues page as well as other contribution pages like the CSF and Class Scholarship Fund by hovering over the "Giving" pull-down in the black stripe at the top of the screen under our class banner.)
2. You will see a screen that presents contribution options. Click the check-boxes for the contributions you want to make, and fill in the amounts. Then click "submit."
3. You will see a "Review Charges" page. Verify the information, which was gathered from the Profile database. (NOTE: If it's wrong or incomplete, you can fix it via the "My Profile" button at the right of the screen.) If the information is correct, click "confirm." If it's incorrect, click "cancel" and start over after fixing the incorrect information in your profile.
4. After clicking "confirm," you'll see an screen. Even at this point, if something is wrong, there's a link at the very bottom of the screen that allows you to cancel and return to our class site. More likely, you'll want to complete the contribution. Fill out this screen as you would any other online purchase. When you're done, click "Pay Now."
5. You will see a confirmation screen. Note the receipt number, then click "Continue."
6. You're done! You'll be automatically returned to our site's "Transaction Completed" screen, from which you can continue to browse the site. Back to top ... How To See Your Payment/Contribution History
This is a very useful capability to help you track your contributions both for tax purposes and to help make sure you've made the contributions you want to each year. It also help remind you what events you signed up for. All transactions made via this web site are captured in this history. Here are the steps:
1. Log onto the site, using your Login ID and password. The payment history is protected, so only you can see your data, and only if you enter your password. 2. Hover your mouse over the Giving pull-down at the top of any page. You will see six choices, the last of which is "My Payment History." 3. Click "My Payment History" and you'll see the page with your data. It's as simple as that!
How To Register for a "Simple Event" (anything but a Major Reunion)
This is one of the key functions of our web site: to let classmates know about upcoming events and provide a straightforward, one-stop shopping method for signing up and paying for the event. As with class dues, you do NOT need a PayPal account; you can use your regular credit card, but you DO need to be logged into the website with your user name and password before you can register. Here are the steps:
1. Navigate to the event's web page. You can do this by clicking the desired event in the "Upcoming Events" box on the left sidebar or via the Events pull-down menu at the top of the page. Once you get to the event's page, you'll see the event's title and a description of the event, including time, place, and cost.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "sign up" button. You'll see an event registration page with your name and email already entered. Fill in the remaining boxes, choose the number of people (including yourself) via the pull-down at the bottom of the page, then click "submit." NOTE: if something went wrong, simply click "cancel" and you can start over.
3. You'll now see a "review charges" page listing your choices. If something's wrong, click the "back" button. If all is OK, click "confirm."
4. You may now see a second "review charges" page, giving you one more chance to make sure everything is correct. If so, click "confirm." Not all situations require this second review.
5. After clicking "confirm," you'll see an screen. Even at this point, if something is wrong, there's a link at the very bottom of the screen that allows you to cancel and return to our class site. More likely, you'll want to complete the contribution. Fill out this screen as you would any other online purchase. When you're done, click "Pay Now."
6. You will see a confirmation screen. Note the receipt number, then click "Continue." You'll be automatically returned to our site's "Transaction Completed" screen, from which you can continue to browse the site.
7. You're registered! Have fun at the event! Back to top ...
How To Write a Remembrance for a Deceased ClassmateSadly, we have reached the age at which we lose several classmates each year. It's important that our surviving classmates remember the departed and contribute brief essays sharing memories of our time with them. These remembrances show up when the classmate's Profile is accessed, and will be published in Major Reunion material. Here are the steps to submit a remembrance:
1. Log into the Class web site to enable access to classmate Profiles.
2. Click the "My Profile" button in the button column at the right of the screen.
3. Choose the "Remembrances" tab, and you'll see a screen with two fill-in fields. The first is labeled "I remember" and has a pull-down tab that allows you to choose the deceased classmate whom you're remembering. The second is a large blank area in which you can write your brief essay.
4. When you're finished writing, click "save" to store what you've written. You can repeat the process at this point for another classmate.
5. NOTE: if you have a photo that you'd like to submit, please send it digitally to with the appropriate instructions. Back to top ...
How To Upload a Photo to your ProfileWe're eager for classmate photos, both old and new. Each Profile has room for three photos: a college-era photo, a current photo, and a photo to be used for major reunion publications. Go ahead (we'll wait -- just come back when you're done) and click "My Profile" in the column of buttons on the right side of the page, then click the "Photos" tab to see these placeholders. For an example, take a look at Jeff Kaplan's: click the "Classmates" on the right, then the "K" tab, then find Jeffrey A Kaplan '69 and click the "Profile" icon. You'll see the photos.
Here's how to submit your photos.
1. You need a digital photo in .JPG format. Make sure the photo is compressed for screen viewing: about 250-500kb. If you need help, simply email the photo to with appropriate description, and we'll handle the rest for you.
2. Log onto our web site,, and click the "My Profile" button on the right side of any page.
3. Click the photos tab, choose the photo category (College, Current, or Album) and click the appropriete "choose file" button. Then navigate to the .JPG file on your computer and double-click. Then click the "upload" button, and the photo will appear in a few seconds.
4. At this point, you can edit the caption, or you can declare victory and move on to other activities. You can always come back and substitute a newer or handsomer photo!
5. NOTE: if you have only hard-copy and no scanning capability, then mail your photo to our Webmaster (address below) with appropriate instructions. He'll scan and post the photo, then return it to you. Webmaster address: Jeffrey Kaplan '69 224 Foxcroft Rd. Broomall, PA 19008
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How To Purchase Class Paraphernalia from the '69 EmporiumWe're very proud of the expanded Class of '69 Emporium, from which you can purchase class-related merchandise from previous reunions. For those who attend class events other than reunions, this merchandise is particularly useful, especially the clothing and accessories. And, of course, our class logo items are timeless and in style everywhere! Here's how to make a purchase:
1. You can get to the Emporium page without logging onto the site, but it helps if you do log on, as you'll see below. In either case, navigate to the Emporium page via the Quick Link button labeled " '69 Emporium" at the bottom right of any screen.
2. Read the introductory paragraph at the top of the Emporium page, especially if you plan to request shipping.
3. Scroll up and down the Emporium page to find the items you want. Click each item to see a larger photo and purchasing options such as shipping options and available sizes.
4. Choose your option(s). Note that the default option is already shown in the pull-down window, and will be assigned if you do not override it. The default shipping option is Pick-up at Reunions.
5. Click "Add to Cart" to order the item. NOTE: you can order more than one of the same item by repeating this process, or more easily by adjusting the quantity in the Shopping Cart.
6. Repeat the above steps for all the items you wish to purchase. When you're finished, review the shopping cart, shown at the upper right of the Emporium window, adjust quantities as needed, and click "Checkout."
7. If you did NOT log in, you will see a form to fill out, listing your name, address and contact information. If you did log in, the system already knows you, and you'll skip this step and go directly to Step 8.
8. You'll see a "review charges" screen, showing what you've ordered, the quantity and the price, as well as your contact information. If this is all correct, click "Confirm" to be transferred to our PayPal payment processor. 9. After clicking "confirm," you'll see an screen. Even at this point, if something is wrong, there's a link at the very bottom of the screen that allows you to cancel and return to our class site. More likely, you'll want to complete the contribution. Fill out this screen as you would any other online purchase. When you're done, click "Pay Now."
10. You will see a confirmation screen. Note the receipt number, then click "Continue." You'll be automatically returned to our site's "Transaction Completed" screen, from which you can continue to browse the site.
8. You're done! Enjoy your handsome paraphernalia! Back to top ...