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Nov. 2, 2024







Catching up With ...

A series of classmate interviews by Brooke C. Stoddard

Ray Anselault: the Freedom Writer - posted January 10, 2024


Gordon Bonnyman:  Blue-Eyed Son - posted October 22,2020


Steve Boughn: Far Out, Really Far Out - posted December 18, 2014

Bob Buechner: Champion for Urban Youth - posted July 21, 2014

Ron Chin: From the Jamaican Chinese Community to the World’s Most Complex Energy Source - posted January 4, 2020


Steve Crane: From Particles to PAs to Pandemics - Posted July 1, 2020


Paul Davids: Hooray for (Edgy) Hollywood ... and More- posted September 14, 2014

John Dorfman:  A Shift in Focus: From Ink to Money- posted January 26, 2017


Richard Etlin:  Viewing Architecture Through a Cultural Eye - posted June 19, 2021

Doug Foy: Pressing the Case for Environmental Stewardship - posted December 20, 2011

Reg Gibbons: Exceled as Poet and Writer, Teacher and Editor - posted November 13, 2013

Paul Hanle: Science is Fascinating ... and Climate Change is Real- posted March 22, 2012

Chris Hart: Making the Nation Safer - posted October 4, 2011


Raymond Hartman: Crunching the Numbers for a Better World - Posted May 28, 2019

Don Hazen:  From Single Wing to Left Wing - posted June 2, 2017


Bob Herbst: Advocacy, Legal and Otherwise - posted October 24, 2021

Ted Garcia: From Kicking Footballs to Business Leadership at Starbucks Coffee Co. - posted May 26, 2014

Bruce Hillman: Medical Breakthroughs and a Literary Bent - posted January 6, 2014

Peter Kaminsky: Fishing, Food, Celebrities, Presidents - posted May 2, 2012

Ray Keck: Bringing Some of Princeton to Texas - posted July 24, 2013


Curt Kehr: Chemicals and Cats, or, If You Will, Eco and Photo - posted July 21, 2024

Jim Kuzmick: Flying out of Princeton - posted April 7, 2013


Rick Landau: Close Encounter with the Computer Industry - posted April 18, 2020


Rupert Macnee: The Medium is Only Part of the Message - posted March 14, 2021

Bob Meushaw: The Secret Life - posted May 23, 2011

Steve Newman:  Eyes, Legs and Lungs - posted December 7, 2012

David Pensak:  A Versatile Innovator and Inventor- posted February 7, 2013

Al Price:  Thanks, Mom! - posted September 25, 2016

Dave Raymond: Around the World to the Capitol Dome - posted July 21, 2011

Graham Richard: Making America Run Better - posted August 23, 2012

Cliff Roberson: What Other Classmate has Operated on Brains, run Four Iditarods, and is now a Farmer? - posted June 14, 2016


Alex Sanger:  His Past Became His Present, And His Future - posted February 16, 2018


Leonard Schaeffer:  From Punch Lines and Punch Cards to Public Spirit - posted May 13, 2018


David Shahan:  Mind and Body - posted May 18, 2023


Marion Sleet:  “In the Nation’s Service” by means of “In Chicago South Side’s Service” - posted February 1, 2023

George Stern: In the Service of Social Justice - posted July 15, 2015


David Spencer: Ever Arrive Safely from a Plane Trip?  Thank Dave.  Seriously. --posted September 2, 2018


Wayne Van Citters: Making the Future, Looking at Ancient Light-- posted May 8, 2022

Ross Wales: Olympic Medalist Took His Talents into Law and Swimming Administration - posted June 21, 2012


Charles Whitehead: Inspired by Spanish language and literature - posted March 8, 2016


Tom Willemain:  A Random Walk to Vital work- posted August 28, 2022


John Sacret Young: Limning Characters in Modern America -- For Screen and Page  - posted February 21, 2019


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