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Annual Giving 2018-2019

50th Reunion Annual Giving Campaign

How Did We Do?





Our 50th Reunion Annual Giving Campaign ended Sunday, June 30th!  We made our goal of 69% participation!  We fell just short of our $6.9M financial goal.  Thanks to all who participated.


Until next year,


The 57 Members of Your Annual Giving TEAM


Final 2018-2019 Campaign Status:

Dollar Goal:  $6.9 million

Dollars Raised:  $5.9 million in gifts and pledges.


Participation Goal:     69%

Participation to date:  69.6%




And the good news is that there are now TWO new ways to give to our 50th AG Campaign:


1. AG Legacy Program:


Princeton’s new AG Legacy Program allows you to combine your 50th Reunion Annual Giving gift with planned giving financial instruments to provide you and a beneficiary lifetime income, credit for our 50th AG campaign and a significant tax deduction.  On February 19th we held a conference call for all classmates with the university staff to discuss the details of this program.   17% of the gifts to our 50th received so far have come from the AG Legacy Program. If you are interested, you can watch this conference call at the following link:




2. Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA:


It’s a new year and since most of us are (sadly) over 70 1/2 years old, we have to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from our tax deferred IRA plans.  Did you know that you can donate a portion of your RMD (up to $100,000) as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly to a charity like Princeton and have it excluded from your gross income for both Federal and state tax purposes? This is particularly powerful if you no longer itemize your deductions under the new tax law—it’s like getting a full charitable deduction.  To find out how, click this link:




24% of the gifts to our 50th received so far have come from RMDs!


President Eisgruber Talks Annual Giving


In February, President Eisgruber held a conference call with the AG volunteers for this year’s Major Reunion classes.  He gave some great examples of how our AG dollars made a difference at Princeton.  Anyone in the class who is curious about the value of our Annual Giving dollars to the university should listen to this call.  The audio can be found at:




Sources of Gifts to Date


And finally, if you look at the sources of gifts actually received at Princeton to date, you can see an interesting trend: the four major sources of gifts so far are:  Cash, Stock, QCDs from IRAs, and Gift Annuities from the AG Legacy Program.  Here is a breakdown of these numbers:


Thanks to our classmates who have given or committed to our campaign so far.  We look forward to hearing from everyone!


Your Class of 1969 Annual Giving TEAM



In case you've forgotten, here's our original announcement, from last Summer:




A TEAM of 58 volunteers will be reaching out to every member of the Class over the next nine months to make the Case for Annual Giving and encourage best ever gifts to our 50th.  The Volunteers are:



Support from all classmates in this effort will be greatly appreciated.


Bruce Freeman '69,  Class Agent

2018-19 Goals:  $6.9M and 69% participation

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