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Class of 1969's 45th Reunion Web Page Archive

May 29 - June 1, 2014

Web pages

Main Class Home page for 2013-2014, our 45th Reunion year

45 Reunion Report, a post-Reunion wrap-up by President Rick Kitto

Reunions-specific general info page, our intro page to help classmates register (note the intra-page links)

Reunions News Updates page, kept current with the latest get-ready news

Schedule of Events page, centered on Class of '69 activities and participants

Mobile Site How-to page, introducing and explaining our mobile site

See Who's Coming page, kept updated manually by our Reunions Chair

Yearbook browser, provided by RT.  A really cool soft-copy yearbook format.

Wine Tasting Morning-After Report, acknowledging our magnificent wine donors and chairs

Annual Giving update page, provided as a reunions-related incentive

Favorite Music page, meant to collect favorites from the '60's, but not followed through with

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