Upcoming Events

Off-Campus Events:

On-Campus Events:


Homecoming Weekend

Nov. 2, 2024







Contact Us

For questions, comments, ideas or contributions concerning this web site:

Webmaster Jeff Kaplan:  webmaster@princeton1969.org
or by regular mail:  1457 Shagbark Ct, Chesterfield, MO 63017-5520

For Class-related issues:

See the Class Officers page, or email directly to:
President Chris Milton:  president@princeton1969.org
Treasurer Chuck Freyer:  treasurer@princeton1969.org

For Reunions-related issues:

See the Events Chairs page, or email directly to:
Reunions chairs:  Reunions_Chair@princeton1969.org

For Class Notes, Remembrances or PAW-related issues:

See the Class Notes from PAW page, or email directly to:
Class Secretary Bob Axelrod (for PAW articles):  Secretary@princeton1969.org

Class Secretary Mike Gehret (for memorials and remembrances):  Memorials@princeton1969.org

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