Off-Campus Events:
On-Campus Events:
'69 In the News, 2010-2011: Click Here to submit a news article to the Webmaster.Shostack W'69 h'69 gives $10M to endow Project X fund, giving freedom to tinkerersThursday, June 16, 2011
New Documentary based upon Ray Arsenault's book Freedom RidersHandsSunday, May 8, 2011More...Classmate Brooke C. Stoddard publishes WWII Book: World in the BalanceMonday, January 31, 2011
Vince Farrell highlights '69 Alumni Day EventsSaturday, February 26, 2011
About forty '69ers, spouses and friends braved the depths of winter to return to Princeton for Alumni Day, Saturday, February 26th. If you have never done it, consider coming next year -- in addition to the Class camaraderie, the University runs a magnificent program. The morning includes featured lectures by the annual winners of the James Madison Medal (awarded to an outstanding Grad School alum, this year Elaine Fuchs *77, one of the world's leading skin stem cell researchers) and the Woodrow Wilson Award (given to a notable Undergraduate Alum, this year Federal Judge Denny Chin '75, the highest ranking Asian-American judge in the United States). There are also a range of interesting faculty lecture options and new facility tours. These are followed by an award lunch at Jadwin with class seating. In addition to the formal presentation of the two prizes to Professor Fuchs and Judge Chin, the Pyne Prize(s) is given to an outstanding Princeton senior (two this year), Jacobus Fellowships are awarded to four exceptional current Grad students and various class awards are given out by the Alumni Association. Each student makes a brief speech and every one was both interesting and inspirational. You leave lunch feeling very proud of the quality and diversity of Princeton students today.
Lunch is followed by the incredibly moving Service of Remembrance, where all Princetonians who have passed away during 2010 are honored and remembered. Each Class has a representative -- ours this year was Alan Meyers, who came all the way from St. Louis.
At 6:30, the group gathered for a Class dinner at the Nassau Club, thanks to the graciousness of member Jack McCarthy. It is quite a place -- founded in the Woodrow Wilson era and located on Mercer Street just off campus, it has an old world faculty club air to it. After cocktails and dinner, we were treated to comments by Classmate Vince Farrell, the Chief Investment Officer of Soleil Securities. In almost forty years in the investment business, Vince has done it all, including co-founding his own successful money management firm, which he and his partners eventually sold to Key Bank. He now is in the enviable position of being the senior strategist/spokesman for Soleil. In that role, he is frequently featured on CNBC. Vince last talked to the Class at this same event two years ago, when he made a good case that the market was near its bottom. In fact, he was dead right -- the market bottomed within a few days of our dinner and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up about 85% since. So we were all eager to hear Vince's take today. He did a superb job of walking us through the conflicting signals coming from the current economic and political situation. In the end, he concluded that stocks are still attractively priced by historical standards. His favorite strategy at the moment (particularly as an alternative to low-yielding bonds for those of us at the income seeking stage in our investing lives) is to consider investing in high quality stocks that pay a good dividend (more than a 2% yield) and have a long history of increasing their dividend payments annually. He specifically mentioned Johnson & Johnson as an example (3.4% current yield and 30 years of consecutive dividend increases!), but the list includes other household names like Exxon-Mobil, Wal-Mart, IBM, AT&T, Coca Cola,Pepsi and McDonalds, to mention 8 out of the 40 that met his criteria. If you'd like to see the whole list, or Vince's entire presentation, I'm sure that he would be happy to send it to you -- email Vince at for the scoop. Vince also has an email "blog" that goes to about 15,000 institutional investor clientsand "friends of Vince" with his daily thoughts on market developments and he I suspect he would be happy to add any Classmate to this email list if that would interest you.
Chris Thomforde gets high accolades from NCAATuesday, January 25, 2011 Moravian President Christopher Thomforde likens his life to a series of interstate highways that start randomly but converge briefly before dividing again. Such a map might explain how a tall kid from an immigrant family ends up playing basketball at Princeton, lands on the cover of Sports Illustrated, teaches in Taiwan, gets a tryout with the New York Knicks, becomes a chaplain and then is hired as a leader in higher education. Read the entire article...
'69's French Invasion Raises $25,000 for CSFWednesday, December 29, 2010 Fifty two classmates and spouses experienced what many of us felt to be the trip of a lifetime in '69's first overseas mini-reunion -- the France Invasion of September 2010. Organized (and the word gained new meaning) by Dick and Marian Bott with plenty of assistance from Jesse Okie (Chef de la Cuisine), Bruce Freeman (Chef du Personnel), Dan Harman and Curt Kehr (Chefs de la Communication), George Sheridan (Ministre de la Culture), and the Charriers (Factotums Généraux), the main excursion lasted eight days and took us from Paris, through Giverny and Bayeux, to the invasion beaches of Normandy and finally to Mont St. Michel. To top it off, through the combined generosity of the Forbes family and the trip participants, over $25,000 was raised for the Class of 1969 Community Service Fund. More ...
Thursday, November 4, 2010 The partnership between the Class of '69 Community Service Fund and the University's Pace Center for Civic Engagement is already showing great success, as the Fund's Board of Directors approved a record-high 73 internships for the Summer of 2011. These internships, which range from curriculum work for disadvantaged schools to automation of drug discount programs for senior citizens, provide an opportunity for undergraduates to gain work experience while helping the community. The next step will be to pair student applicants with the approved internships. By the end of March, the lucky students and employing organizations will be matched and preparing for another fulfilling summer of service.
CSF/Pace Partnership Gains Visibility
Monday, October 18, 2010 The new partnership between the Class of 1969 Community Service Fund and the University's Pace Center, supporting Princeton Internships in Civic Service, continues to develop very nicely. Two articles have appeared recently that capture both the details and the broader context of the partnership. The University posted a feature article on its home page October 1 which was also included in yesterday's edition of Tiger E-News. For the student perspective, see the September 23 article in The Daily Princetonian (scroll down, the article is on the left side of the page).
Class of 1969 and University Pace Center Announce New PartnershipSunday, August 15, 2010 Our 69 Community Service Fund has partnered with the University Pace Center to accelerate the growth of our summer internship program and its attractiveness among Princeton undergraduates. More ...
Plans for European Invasion ProgressThursday, January 28, 2010 Dick Bott leads a band of '69ers to Paris and the Forbes chateau in Normandy in September 2010! More ...