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CSF News 2011-2012

Carla Javier ’15 recognized for anti-domestic violence work

Posted 6/26/2012
Featured in this photo is Carla Javier ’15 (in Princeton Orange-and-Black), the PICS Mintz-Levin intern at the National Network to End Domestic Violence, with Vice-President Biden and other staff members of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
Students consider options at PICS/CSF Internship Fair
Posted 1/4/2011
Laura Spence-Ash (center, in front of window) helps students choose PICS internship options at December 13th's Internship Fair.

CSF Intern Bruce Easop wins USG election
Posted 12/6/2011
Summer 2010 PICS intern at Safe Kids in Washington, DC, Bruce Easop '13 has won the USG presidency in a runoff election against USG vice president Catherine Ettman '13, USG president Michael Yaroshefsky '12 announced in an email to the student body on December 2, 2011.

Vicky Gan '13 authors Huffington Post Article
Posted 9/23/2011
Vicky Gan '13, a Politics major from Nottingham, Maryland, was the PICS intern at the NY Public Library. This was Vicky's second PICS internship; in 2010, she was an intern at Bread for the City in Washington, DC.  She wrote an intriguing article for The Huffington Post.  Read it here, or link to it at  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-new-york-public-library/all-hands-on-deck-nypl-tu_b_966057.html.

Epiphany School thanks Aria Miles
Posted 8/31/2011
Each year Epiphany relies upon 150+ volunteers to help keep the school running along with our faculty and staff. The school would not function without the support of these very special friends to Epiphany. The same is true for the summer, and this issue of Always Learning highlights one.
Aria Miles is a rising sophomore at Princeton University. She is part of the Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS) program through the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. Each year PICS partners with 70 organizations throughout the country and provides each of them with an intern for 10 weeks in the summer. Ms. Miles was Epiphany's lucky intern this summer, and we were thrilled to have her.

Ms. Miles spent her 10 weeks in Boston living first at Mather Court and then at 232 Centre Street with other interns. She was invaluable this summer, as our front line person at the reception desk, coordinating the intern move to 232 Centre Street, scheduling home visits for incoming 5th graders, and supporting the B-SAFE summer program among many other tasks. In Ms. Miles's own words, "I try my best to meet whatever needs are expressed by Epiphany, B-SAFE, and the community members who walk through Epiphany's doors." Ms. Miles was a shining star this summer for Epiphany, and we sure did keep her busy!
Ms. Miles was drawn to the Epiphany School internship because she plans to pursue a career in education and thought it would be interesting working in a school for the summer. She said she accomplished this goal and learned a lot about the operations of a school outside of the classroom. She left us after 10 weeks with this reflection of the school, "Epiphany provides a very unique opportunity to the children of Dorchester. The concept of a tuition-free private school with 12-hour school days and such a great sense of community amazes me. The staff are all dedicated to providing the students with the best that they have to offer, and I think that it is nice for the students to see that they go to a school where staff is so caring, giving, and committed. Seeing graduates come back to the school to work and visit on a regular basis shows me that the bonds formed at Epiphany last longer than their four years here."
We thank Ms. Miles for her hard work, dedication, and commitment to Epiphany School. As she returns to Princeton to start her sophomore year and looks forward to becoming a math teacher, we know she will always be a part of the Epiphany family.

Legacies Intern Laurent Cote reports:
Posted August 19, 2011

"It has been an exciting summer here at Legacies. As advocacy intern, I've been working with Executive Director Channapha Khamvongsa and our many wonderful volunteers to educate key decision makers in Washington about the UXO crisis in Laos. We've made real progress in highlighting the importance of this issue and the need for increased U.S. support. One moment that stands out for me was the publication of a letter from six former U.S. Ambassadors and Chiefs of Mission to Laos endorsing Legacies of War's funding requests and calling on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to reaffirm her commitment to this issue by visiting Laos. I was fortunate enough to be involved in the process leading up to the publication of this letter and I am encouraged by the response it has received from State Department officials. All in all, I have had a truly wonderful experience at Legacies. My warmest thanks go out to our friends, volunteers, the Board of Directors and of course to Channapha for welcoming me so generously into the organization."

In the photo (left to right):  Emily Chaisone (Dominion High School), Laurent Cote (Princeton University), and May Vongvirath (Liberty University)

Sean Hammer '08 continues PUPP involvement
Posted August 19, 2011

Sean Hammer '08 was an intern at Boston Healthcare for the Homeless in the summer of 2008.  Sean is now  a science teacher and at Ewing High School, NJ, who this summer is working with the Princeton University Prepartory Program (PUPP).  In this photo he is  assisting rising high school seniors  Kaja Nelson (left) and Sean McJunkins (center) with their lab exercise.  A story about this summer's PUPP program can be found at: http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S31/28/26G53/index.xml?section=featured

PICS Intern wins Harold Willis Dodds Prize

Elizabeth (Liz) Borges of Washington, D.C.,  a  summer 2008 PICS intern at Bread for the City, was presented with the Harold Willis Dodds Prize at Class Day. The award recognizes the senior who best embodies the qualities of Princeton's 15th president, Harold Dodds, "particularly in the qualities of clear thinking, moral courage, a patient and judicious regard for the opinions of others, and a thoroughgoing devotion to the welfare of the University and to the life of the mind." Borges, a psychology major and a certificate candidate in American studies, was the student co-chair of the Alcohol Coalition Committee and helped plan a two-day Ivy League student leader symposium on high-risk drinking. She created and implemented the "Faces of Princeton" poster campaign, which enlisted a diverse group of student leaders to speak frankly about alcohol use on campus. She has been a leader in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, was a Sustained Dialogue moderator since her freshman year and also participated in a Community-Based Learning Initiative project that examined how food availability affects the urban poor in New Jersey.

Dale winner turns fieldwork into fiction

Over the next year, senior Lisa Tom will combine her two academic passions at Princeton -- anthropology and creative writing -- by transforming fieldwork into fiction.

Read the entire article

Largest pool of applicants interviews for SUMMER 2011

The summer of 2011 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting in the history of the Class of 1969 Community Service Fund. The 492 applicants applying for 75 available PICS internships formed the largest pool of applicants ever seen by the CSF since its inception in 1996.  

Read the entire article

Shaina Watrous '14 -- an example of service

Shaina Watrous '14 was chosen as one of the Summer, 2011, interns.  She will be working at Legal Services of New Jersey.  But this isn't Shaina's first experience with service!  Click here to see how she spent her "bridge year" in India.

The rewards of service

The CSF has just received from The County Executive of Montgomery County, Maryland, an award to Princeton Internships in Civic Service "in Recognition and Appreciation" of your support of Andy Lowy, an intern with the County Executive's Office of Community Partnerships in the Summer of 2010Andy's exceptional  "Sustainable Community Food Initiative" report provides a road-map for transforming the way food is grown, processed, distributed, and consumed in Montgomery County.  Andy's work stands proudly in the rich tradition of "Princeton in the Nation's Service."

Former Intern wins Pyne Prize

Alex Rosen'11 a former PICS intern with Children's National Medical Center was one of this year's Pyne Prize winners.  Click here and scroll down to read the full story.

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