Call to Order
A brief meeting of the Class of 1969 was held on Friday, May 21 following the class dinner in the 1956 Lounge at Princeton Stadium.
The meeting was presided over by President Chris Milton.
Classmates in attendance: Don Adams, Axelrod, Boughn, Andy Brown, Durkee, Freyer, Gehret, Herbst, Jerry, Kehr, Kitto, Marston, McCarthy, McEldowney, Mertz, Marc Miller, Milton, Pape, and Rein.
Guests in attendance included Class Associates Joan Weidner and Barbara Wolfe.
President’s Report
Chris Milton thanked Reunions co-chairs McEldowney, Brown, and Marston for their excellent work on our 53rd Reunion. Organization of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) effort is ongoing and Chris has spoken with a number of classmates. He hopes to report soon on progress in this area. Planning for the Canyonlands mini-reunion is moving forward. There are currently 28 classmates and guests signed up for the trip, which leaves about a dozen spots. Once everyone on the Wait List has been contacted, the trip will be opened up to the whole class.
Co-Secretaries’ Report
Bob Axelrod thanked those present for sending in news items and photographs for the Class Notes, and asked everyone to encourage other classmates to send material, especially those who have not been heard from for some time. Mike Gehret noted the deaths of classmates who had passed away since the last class meeting on November 20, 2021: Jack Breihan, Skip Griffin, Al Piranian, and Alan Vlcek. He asked for a moment of silence in their memory.
Treasurer’s Report
Chuck Freyer reported that class finances are in good shape with about 240 dues paying members. We have about $50,000 in the Reunions account; about $9500 contributed for the Class of 1969 Paul George Sittenfeld Scholarship Fund; and about $13,000 contributed through class dues for PICS.
Chuck also reported on PICS. There are 210 internships this summer sponsored by PICS and organized with the help of the capable new PICS Class of 1969 Program Director, Emily Sharples. Chuck expects the number of internships to grow from 210 to 300 next summer with additional support from the University.
Other Reports
Chris Milton, reporting for Annual Giving Chair Andy Steele, noted that the class has raised about $178,000 to date with 40% participation. Andy and his team will be working right up until the June 30 deadline to increase both of those numbers.
Clay McEldowney reported briefly on organizing activities for our 55th Reunion in 2024.
Chris led attendees in the singing of Old Nassau, and the meeting was adjourned.