THIS BOOK IS ONE OF THE WAYS we ‘69ers and our families will celebrate the 55 years that have passed since we walked through
FitzRandolph Gate. For the first time, we are not issuing this book in hard copy, but rather have decided to reduce our Class’s environmental footprint by publishing this book online only. Once again we hope that this book will enhance the experience for those coming back and will encourage those who haven't registered as yet to become part of our celebration. For those who are unable to join us, we hope that it is a reminder of our times together and our respective accomplishments when apart.
Our Class continues to have much to celebrate. Individual stories can be found within the book, but collectively we have brought much to Princeton over the past 55 years. Our crown jewel is the Princeton Internships in Civic Service Program (PICS) that has now placed about 2,500 Princeton undergraduates in summer internships in community service organizations since its inception nearly 30 years ago (including 247 interns for the summer of 2024). Many of us have worked to make PICS a success and many have provided financial support. With PICS now fully integrated into the University’s LENS initiative, we believe that PICS’ success in its mission inspired the University to promise a summer internship in community service to every undergraduate who wants one.
‘69ers have also been instrumental over the years in providing Scholarship Funds which give opportunities to deserving students and in establishing other programs that benefit the students, including Princeton in Africa, Princeton in Latin America, Engineers without Borders, the German Summer Work Program, the Bendheim Center for Finance and the David Gardner Memorial Magic Project, to name a few.
Eight ‘69ers have also received the Alumni Association's Award for Service to Princeton, which recognizes those who've served the University "significantly but inconspicuously." No other Class has as many winners of this prestigious award as we do.
We've also managed to have some “extra-curricular” fun together, with many joining Class Mini-Reunions in Gettysburg (twice), Antietam, Springfield, IL, Charlottesville, Williamsburg, VA and the Canyonlands of the Southwest, as well as overseas to France, Germany and South Africa. The Canyonlands trip even generated a marriage of a Classmate (Chris Meyer) to a former Classmate’s widow (Joan Weidner), generating coverage in the NY Times.
The good news is that the Class continues to have a strong sense of community, with most Classmates eager to spend more time with other Classmates, whether working to benefit the University in some way, or just enjoying time with each other reminiscing. Hopefully the next five years will allow us to see even more of each other in similar pursuits.
It truly has been a pleasure and an honor to be your President for the past five years. I've enjoyed hearing from people I've known for a long time and others I've met more recently. Participating in Class activities is extremely gratifying - one gets to work with a lot of great people, and the rewards far outweigh the burdens.
I'd like to close by thanking Brooke Stoddard who has put together this outstanding book. While I'm at it, I should also thank Clay McEldowney, Andy Brown and Jeff Marston for putting together our 55th and Andy Steele for organizing our related AG effort as well as Jeff Kaplan, our webmaster, who has made all of our jobs easier. They all deserve a locomotive, as well as a rest after our celebration has concluded. Thanks also to Chuck Freyer for being Treasurer of both our Class and Reunions and to Vice Presidents Dick Bott, Bill Charrier and Rick Kitto who have kept your President in line for the past five years.
55th Reunion Yearbook