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Class of 1969 PAW Notes for 2012-2013

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June 5, 2013

In a slightly more parochial version of "my summer vacation,” your vagrant enjoyed greatly seeing various classmates in various settings in a recent wonderfully compact period of time: Cynthia and DAVID MYERBERG in Morgantown, W.Va.; Emily andJOHN TEPE in Wilmington, Del.; BILL FOLLANSBEE in Cincinnati; Cathy andCHRIS MILTON, Karen and BILL BENJAMIN, KIT BINNS, and Tina and LARRY MORRIS in Cambridge, Mass.; Lucy and RICK BELDING in Tucson, Ariz.; Mary Harrington and JESSE OKIE and Joanne and JOHN GORDON in Minneapolis; and Kathy and CHRIS THOMFORDE in Bethlehem, Pa. What some people won’t do for good company!

Jesse Okie reports enhanced motivation to head to Scotland with a granddaughter and grandson living in the Moray village of Burghead, jutting into the North Sea east of Inverness. "Someday I hope to arrive there by sailboat, as ‘Neverland’ will head east from Lake Superior by way of Newfoundland!”

Chris Thomforde is retiring as president of Moravian College and Moravian Seminary in Bethlehem and he and Kathy will relocate to St. Paul. Rick Belding is retiring as head of St. Gregory’s School and he and Lucy will split their time between Arizona and Maine.

SANDY MURDOCK is awash in awards: the gift of a beagle for Christmas from his son’s family won him "Best 15” Beagle and "Best Master,” while his grandsons and granddaughter won third, second, and second in Connecticut hockey leagues. He’s also doing some teaching and law policy in aviation, including suing the FAA over air-traffic control towers closing due to sequestration. Go, Sandy!

May 15, 2013

KEN MERTZ’s daughter, Stephanie, is engaged to Ryan Pollock. Ryan and Stephanie operate the Philadelphia sandwich shop "Rybread.”

The annual Evening of Magic on campus celebrating DAVID GARDNER and hosted by honorary classmate LYNN SHOSTACK was another smashing success this year. In the cheerful group that included volunteer on-stage props BILL CHARRIER and DICK BOTT were, among others, GARY WILLIAMS, with sons Colin and Evan. Although Bill and Dick indeed were sawed in half, eventually they were put back together . . . mostly.

The American Law Institute, at its 90th annual meeting, elected MARK JANIS, our Pyne Prize co-winner and professor at the U. of Connecticut School of Law, to its august membership. Lucky them.

At the always-poignant Service of Remembrance on campus, RICK KITTO represented us as we celebrated the lives and lamented the 2012 loss of JIM BLACKBURN and JIM HARRIS.

Reunions will be more special if you are there: May 30–June 2. Join us.

April 24, 2013

Although we haven’t even enjoyed our 44th reunion slated for May 30–June 2, 2013, a legion of loyal "yin-yangers” are hard at work putting together the Fabulous 45th. DAN HARMAN, RICK KITTO, and ANNE CHARRIER are leading the charge and early signs are it will truly be something special.

As we approach middle age (don’t we wish!), most of us have come to realize that the best things in life aren’t things. Relationships, especially old and valued ones, move closer to center stage. Therefore, it is important that anyone who is willing to share these times together be at Old Nassau for that 45th scheduled for May 29–June 1, 2014. Funds are available to help defray expenses for those to whom it would make a difference. It can all be handled absolutely confidentially, and all anyone need do is communicate with the class secretary. Not meaning to belabor the obvious, I am both discreet and forgetful so all secrets are safe! Do plan on sharing good times with good people . . . both years.

Congratulations to CLAY MCELDOWNEY who was recently inducted into the Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association. The same group named him Man of the Year in 1997, and all of this is a tribute to the leadership and advocacy Clay has lent to Princeton’s wrestling program. He captained our frosh team and our varsity and chaired the Friends of Princeton Wrestling, leading the effort to ensure the continuation of the program on campus.

Two more losses: ANDREW HODYKE died Feb. 28 and DEKE HALL died March 6.

April 3, 2013

A MAN AMONG MEN: ED CRAIG, an orthopedic surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Arthritis Foundation. A pioneer in shoulder replacement, he designed both the anatomic and reverse total-shoulder-replacement system for severely arthritic patients. His medical degree and public-health degrees are both from Columbia. He served as a health-care columnist for MSNBC. Author of more than 100 publications, he wrote or edited eight textbooks. An earlier award recognized his "significant contribution to the quality of patient care by understanding and responding to the needs of the whole person in body, mind, and spirit.”

Last July, Mary and RANDY HACK and Lloyd and THACHER BROWN were cruising in Maine and connected with Dierdre and BOB STIFLER on Isle au Haut. "We had not seen our roommate since 1975, but he looks great! Bob is still practicing medicine in Chapel Hill, N.C., although when we saw him, he looked like a Maine local.”

Another loss with the Feb. 15 death of Dr. STEPHEN B. THACKER. The winner of the Pyne Prize our senior year, Steve’s was a remarkable personal and professional life.

March 20, 2013

HURLON DULAN shares a happy photo and welcome news. In SF for a national bridge tournament, he saw Robin and RICH EDWARDS. Hurlon, living in Denver, plays bridge at the Silver Life Master status when he’s not managing his financial interests, real estate, and the real estate of others. His son purchased a first home in LA and his daughter practices medicine in Texas. Robin is flanked by Hurlon (left) and Rich. 

Carol and STEVE FIGLEWSKI celebrated the May 27 wedding of daughter Celia ’04 to Christian Hicks (Middlebury ’06). The nuptials, overlooking the Hudson River attracted (l-r) DICK BOTT, JOHN FOX, CHRIS MEYER, and, of course, the Father of the Bride. Celia earned her law degree at the U. of Michigan while Chris, from the same school, received a joint MBA from the business school and a master’s degree in sustainable-energy systems.

March 6, 2013

KEN MERTZ, happily still doing accounting for Surrey Services for Seniors, is even happier flanked by daughter Stephanie and son Andrew.

LEONARD SCHAEFFER and family, such strong supporters of all kinds of things Princeton, have provided $25 million to endow and support the U. of Southern California Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics. The University’s announcement affirms its proud role in leading one of the most critical economic-policy conversations of this era.

Two splendid sounding young men are benefiting from the Class of 1969 Scholarship. Omar Jarrett ’14 is majoring in economics, looking toward a career in medicine, and pursuing track and field, electronic music, and creative writing. Daniel Arias ’15 hasn’t determined what his future major will be, but he too is interested in track and field. Other undergraduates are getting a hand from thePETER A. CAHN Memorial Scholarship; the WILLIAM PARR THORPE and Judy Frear Thorpe Class of 1969 Financial Aid Fund; the SCHAEFFER Family Scholarship and the Schaeffer Scholars Fund; and the Maxwell Hillegas Kratz 1899 and RICHARD DRAKE KRATZ ’69 Scholarship.

Each year Princeton shares a booklet, noting members of each class whose lives have been commemorated by contributions honoring them. This past year, gifts were received in fond remembrance ofDREW ARENA, JIM BLACKBURN, DAVID GARDNER, GRAHAM HUNTER, LARRY MACNAMARA, and JOHN SLONAKER.

February 6, 2013

Our hearts go out to Susan and BILL FOLLANSBEE on the loss of their distinguished son, Maj. Benjamin H. Follansbee, Army Special Forces, Green Berets. His life of distinguished service included four deployments to Afghanistan and his service to our country was extraordinary.

One of the few heartening vignettes to come from Hurricane Sandy is the role of our own JEFF VON ARX, president of Fairfield U. in Connecticut. He took in four displaced students to the president’s home. Good guys simply get better.

Jody and MIKE MCCRORY welcomed their first grandson Nov. 6. Conor Lawrence McCrory (shown with Mike) is the son of Jessica (UNC ’05) and the couple’s son, Michael ’00.

RICH EDWARDS’ award-winning photography caused him to be commissioned by Kids Enjoy Exercise Now to create a book on the Golden Gate Bridge in honor of its 75th anniversary. The stunning volume is available through http://www.blurb.com/books/
3528717. Great stuff.

JIM BLACKBURN’s widow, Cyndy, shares word of a scholarship honoring Jim for North Carolina public officials to attend classes at the School of Government. Friends wanting to lend a hand can reach Cyndy at 801 Kings Mill Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. A conference room already honors a great guy.

January 16, 2013

The Healthcare Chaplaincy’s "Wholeness of Life Award Dinner” celebrated the Rev. GEORGE HANDZO as he became its lifetime-achievement honoree. ALEX SANGER shared the information with us and shared the evening with George, pictured here. Meanwhile, through the courtesy of RICK BELDING, word that Dr. TERRY HILL in Lebanon, Ore., was recognized as a doc 100% of his patients would recommend to others. Anyone in that neck of the woods in search of a gastroenterologist, please take note! Colonoscopy to go?

While your secretary has a congenital discomfort in saying kind things about TOM HUDNUT, I must confess to being delighted that he has agreed to be the homilist at our 45th-reunion memorial service. He really is exceptional.

We received the sad news of the July 25 sudden and unexpected death of JIM HARRIS in Little Rock, Ark. Also, we need help in preparing a memorial for JOHN SCHENK, whose death was reported in Colorado this past December. Can anyone lend a hand?

Happy and healthy holidays to all . . . and to those you love best.

December 12, 2012

LEONARD SCHAEFFER is shown at the Beijing Capital Museum next to a spectacular tiger photograph (one of a series) taken by Viman Vivien Chung. The photographer established the Endangered Species Conservation Fund in 2007.

REMEMBERING REUNIONS 2012: 53 classmates were registered or sighted; with spouses, significant others, children, and guests the group numbered 107. Our usual hoagie lunch in the Class of 1969 Memorial Garden preceded the one and only P-rade. Saturday dinner and a class meeting were highlighted by the Roaring 20 a cappella singing group, whose president is DICK BOTT’s daughter, Christina ’13.


Kudos to Reunions co-chairs Dan Harman, Rick Kitto, and Anne Charrier. They are looking for ideas and assistance for our 44th May 30–June 2, 2013, and our Fabulous 45th May 29–June 1, 2014. Anyone willing to help should email reunions@princeton1969.org.

Gail Ogle, widow of our late classmate MARK PETERSON, died in Charlottesville Jan. 1, 2012. Gail and Mark were accomplished law partners.

Good holidays to all.

November 14, 2012

ED BRANN and his partner, Rick, celebrated their 25th anniversary with a hiking trip in Colorado’s White River National Forest. He reports they did about 60 miles of hiking in the Colorado Rockies — comparable to what they did in Glacier National Park on their "honeymoon” 25 years ago but, all too understandably, with a lot more exertion this time!

The photographs are of a remarkable new building done by Johanna and ANDY MACNAIR. The architects have just finished "First Egg Chapel” in the mountains outside of Seoul. It was built by old-school wood-boat builders in Rhode Island as 12 hulls before being shipped off to Korea. It makes what the Celts called a "thin place” — where the natural and spiritual worlds intersect. Wow!

After 42 years of regular correspondence but no time together, DAN KIGER, flew to Laredo, Texas, to visit with Patricia and RAY KECK. Ray is president of Texas A&M International U. and Dan, a Methodist minister, continues his work in chaplaincy and bioethics in Marion, Ohio. Ray and Dan enjoyed time with BLAIR LABATT in San Antonio and Dan and wife Judy are already looking forward to the Kecks visit to Ohio next spring.

May your Thanksgiving make you especially mindful of the good things that come our way.

October 24, 2012

JIM FLOYD reports there is still time to join in Princeton in Africa’s annual evening fundraising event scheduled for Nov. 8. More information is available at: http://www.princetoninafrica.org/piaf-annual-benefit/. The amazing organization continues to excel: the 2012-13 cycle includes 47 fellows selected from applications at 126 US colleges and universities. Those selected are now working with 26 different organizations in 19 different countries.

A July gathering at RANDY HACK’s on Squirrel Island in Maine gathered (l-r) THACHER BROWN, GEORGE BOGGS, LARRY MORRIS, ANDY STEELE, and the host. 

October 10, 2012

GLAD TIDINGS. RICH ETLIN reports attending the recent wedding of JIM SASLOW to Dr. Steve Goldstein. It was a classy class event with Rabbi George Stern officiating and SAM FRANK and ED RUBIN along to share the special and happy occasion.

More wedding bells, these trumpeting the Aug. 5, 2012, nuptials of JOHN PARISEAU and his longtime partner Dario Sacramone Jr. John retired as associate headmaster of the Allen-Stevenson School and, after Princeton, he received a master’s degree in cognition and neurological impairment from NYU. Dario retired as a photographer’s representative in Manhattan.

The NY Daily News featured an op-ed piece by ALEX SANGER. Alex, who chairs the International Planned Parenthood Council and authored Beyond Choice: Reproductive Freedom in the 21st Century, titled his piece: "Republican’s War on Abortion Rights Continues: But We Can’t Give Up the Fight for Women’s Rights.”

RANDY EVANS hosted a festive August gathering of some of the 211 Foulke roommate group along with honorary roommate BOBBY BANK. Shown (l-r) are FRED MAKRAUER, BOB GANG, Randy, TED MCLEAN, RICK RAILSBACK, and Bobby. Thanks to Lynn Evans for the picture.

September 19, 2012

MARC MILLER’s daughter’s (Emily Jeanne ’95) debut novel: Brand New Human Being. At a signing party, lots of Tigers, including Emily’s husband, Andrew Stearn ’97, were seen along with BILL CHARRIERHARRY VOLZ, and JOE RIESER. Joe recently received the Babbitt Memorial Award from Harvard’s Kennedy School, which recognizes a graduate who has made an exceptional contribution to the school community by volunteering time, creativity, and energy.

A tip of the cap to BOB DURKEE, who received the Association of Black Princeton Alumni’s Dr. Carl A. Fields Service Award at the 2012 Annual ABPA Reunions reception. The recognition salutes those who, through their careers and service to Princeton, exemplify the type of performance and spirit that ABPA considers noteworthy for excellence and value as symbols to other Princetonians.

A terrific show of JON FRIEDMAN’s portraits at the Cotuit, Mass., Arts Center attracted a large and enthusiastic opening-night audience. Pictured flanking Joanne and Jon are Minnie and BRENT HENRY. Another roommate, ROD HAMILTON, was represented by Jon’s portrait of him at far right. Betsy and PAUL SITTENFELD were also there for the fun.

Roberta and DAVE JOHNSON report a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. They joined Susan and RANDY WERTZ and Pam and JACK MEYERSON to enjoy a very orange and black weekend at Mary and TOM COOPER’s place in Sea Ranch, Calif.

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