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Class of 1969's 50th Reunion

Yearbook Guide

How to submit your Yearbook information

The Class of 1969 is unique (we all know that) in the fact that with every major reunion we have produced a Class Yearbook.  Most Princeton classes don’t bother.  But we do!  Why?  It is a great way to tell your classmates what you have been up to over the past five to 50 years, and a great way for everyone else to catch up on their classmates, roommates and friends.  We have always believed the time (and money) is well worth it.  We are also one of the few classes that send the yearbook to all classmates.  This year for our 50th we are doing a few things differently:
  • We plan to send the yearbook to everyone on April 1st, to get you excited about reunions and maybe even encourage some less frequent attendees to join us for the festivities.
  • We have a new on-line process to make it convenient to submit your entry for the yearbook.  This will make it much easier to participate than in past reunions.  See below for the simple instructions.
  • And finally, our goal is to have at least 69% of our class provide some level of input to the yearbook (at our 40th it was about 47%).  We will do our best to track you down, bug you and encourage your participation.  Don’t be the guy that opens the Yearbook next April and says:  "I wish I had submitted an entry.”

NOTE: all information is voluntary!  If you do not want particular information included in the Yearbook, simply don't provide it.  We ask that you do not erase existing information in your profile, since it's synchronized with the University's database, courtesy of the Alumni Council.

NOTE: all profile information is password-protected.  Only classmates with login IDs can access the Class Directory, which is the repository of your profile information.

So how can you participate?  Here are the two ways:
  • Since you're already on the class website, go for the online method!  Obviously, this is the preferred method since it saves us editors a TON of extra work.  Here's how to submit your data:  First, log onto this site if you're not already logged in.  If you don't yet have a login ID, click here for instructions.  Once you're logged in, click this My Profile icon (you can also find it in the left side-bar).

    This will take you to the first of seven screens on which you can provide information BOTH for the Yearbook and for the Class Directory. 

NOTE: you are not required to fill in every field.  Simply provide the information you wish to share, then click "Next" at the top of the page.  Here are the topics you can provide:

Page 1: Page 1 generally asks for Contact Information, post-graduate information and the like. Something new is the optional Career Description. We offer you the opportunity to describe your career up to 150 words. If you fill in this section with text, it will precede your more extensive Essay opportunity on Page 5; it thus frees you space for the broader Essay opportunity.


Page 2: Information about Spouse/Partner, Children, Grandchildren, etc.


Page 3: Photos. We ask for a recent photo in JPG format. Instructions are on the page. We intend to run the Nassau Herald (Senior Year) picture of everyone in any case; the recent picture you submit will demonstrate how maturity has refined your looks. This page also offers you the opportunity to submit other recent pictures – you with family, with the King of Sweden, on top of Mount Hood, etc.  If you need help, email our webmaster.


Page 4: Groups you were involved with at Princeton (easy, you just check boxes).


Page 5. Essay, up to 500 words. You can compose on the page or paste something you have composed elsewhere. You can revisit and make corrections/additions up until Deadline time, January 15. Anything goes, but note that once in the printed book your comments never go away, so discretion is called for. Please apply a spell-and-grammar check before you submit. If you have submitted something on Page 1 in the section for Career, you have freed space here to discourse on other topics.


Page 6. Classmate Remembrances. Here are sections offering you the opportunity to write about individual deceased Classmates. All deceased Classmates will have sections in the 50th Reunion Book in alphabetical order along with the rest of us. Each will have a short Memorial, which will be followed by any remarks submitted by you on this page. Any remarks you submit on this page about a deceased Classmate will not be anonymous but will have your name attached.


Page 7. Review. Shows you what you've entered, in an unformatted summary.  Look at the content, not the format!


Note that you can revisit the 69's 50th – My Profile pages as many times as you like to amend, add to, etc. your entries up until the Deadline, January 15.

  • If you are technically challenged there are two manual ways to provide us input for the yearbook:
 Brooke Stoddard ‘69
          815 King Street, Suite 204
    Alexandria, VA  22314

For anyone NOT providing any Yearbook data, we will use the information contained in the University Database.  Therefore this is a good time to make sure your information is up to date! If you are providing a manual entry, here is the information we would like to have:
Name, nickname, address, email, phone number, Spouse/Partner Name, Children, Occupation (including address), and a brief (less than ½ a page) essay on anything you would like to pass on to your classmates.

JANUARY 15, 2019!!

We look forward to hearing from you and producing our best Class Yearbook ever!

Thanks for participating in our Yearbook for our 50th Runion.  If you have any questions or comments, email our Webmaster Jeff Kaplan or our Yearbook Chair Brooke Stoddard.
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