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President's Report:

Class of '69's 48th Reunion

Posted June 11, 2017

Over the weekend of June 1-4, we gathered for our 48th Reunion.  It was our first in the 50th reunion tent, and the Class of 1967 were fine hosts.  Dan Harman, our Reunion Chair, arranged for some very hospitable weather, much cooler and more comfortable than usual, as well as a nice slate of Class activities over the weekend.

We first gathered in Hamilton Courtyard on Friday evening, at our now annual barbecue with adjacent classes ’68 and ‘70, along with ’71 and ’73.  Over 100 people went through the buffet line, and many lingered until quite late when the sounds of bands started reverberating across campus.  Our Class attendance at this event was over 40.

We had an even larger group of classmates, spouses and children gather for our hoagie lunch in the ’69 Garden on Saturday. We moved from there to our waiting location for the P-rade which was festive as always.  As we joined the procession, Jeff Marston carried the class banner and led the locomotives while we marched along the route.  Our turnout was great.  It seemed that we had more members in the P-rade than the Classes of ’68 and ’70 combined.  

After the P-rade, around 60 of us gathered for our class meeting and dinner in the Atrium of the Lewis Library, a Frank Geary-designed building.  At the meeting, we received a report from Bruce Freeman regarding Annual Giving—he’s expanded our AG team to increase class participation, so please respond favorably if you’re contacted or better yet join the team by contacting Bruce (AG_Chair@Princeton1969.org).

Several classmates also spoke; including our inimitable Secretary Paul Sittenfeld who remembered lost classmates and reflected about both past and present.  Chuck Freyer told us that our Class Finances were in good shape, though we can always use more dues payers, and he also reported that PICS will have its largest summer intern contingent ever—170.  It’s remarkable how far the program has come since it was started after our 25th. Near the end of the meeting, Dan Harman made a pitch for joining the 50th reunion team that he’s just starting to assemble.  We have a lot of needs so the more, the merrier. Please contact Dan (Reunions@Princeton1969.org) to express your interest in helping out.  Near the close of the dinner, the Tigerlilies, the oldest female a cappella group on campus, serenaded us.

All who attended enjoyed the festivities.  We saw some classmates who came from more distant locations than our stalwart local attendees, including Rick and Renea Darby from Florida, Chris and Cathy Milton from Boston, Duncan and Kathy Moffat from California, Mark and Linda Olson from Wisconsin and Jim Shuey and Kathleen Hursh from Rochester. Please think about coming to the off year Reunions.  They’re a little bit less hectic, and you have more time for extended conversation.  I hope many of you can join us next year.


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