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Alumni Day and Dinner, February 22, 2025

Alumni Day is scheduled for Saturday, February 22. ( The program on campus will include, at 9:15, alumni awards including one for Elena Kagan ’81, Justice of the Supreme Court.  There is a reception and lunch starting at 11:30, and the Service of Remembrance in the chapel at 3.  Chip Jerry will represent us in the procession.  You need to register for the events here []

Whether or not you attend on-campus events, Joan and I would also like to invite you to a casual buffet dinner with beer and wine at our house in Cranbury, just 15-20 minutes from the campus.  The festivities will start at 5, with dinner a little after 6.  The cost will be $25 per person.  Please register on the form below.  We ask that you bring a Princeton story or piece of memorabilia that you can share with the group.

Party Particulars

Gathering time 5 PM

Buffet Dinner

Venue: 28 North Main Street, Cranbury, NJ 08512

Park on Main Street or behind Sweetwater Construction at 32 North Main Street.

Limited to about 30 people

Cost $25 per person



NOTE: We are unable to accept American Express at this time. Please use Visa or MasterCard. Thanks.


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