We closed our 55th reunion Annual Giving campaign on July 3 as follows: 55.8% participation.....up 7 points over last year. A little short of our 60% goal, but a wonderful improvement! Contributions totaled $2,075,969.....over our stretch goal of $2,069.000!! Overall, the whole Annual Giving raised $66.7 Million, of which $51.3 million was donated by alumni. Overall '69 participation was 45%....so once again, our class of 69 helped bring up the average!! Thanks to al of our AG team of volunteers, listed below. Special shoutout to Bob Raymar, who captained our Special Gifts Team, and to Chuck Freyer, who led our Participation team. It took a village to accomplish these results....and we had a heck of a village team!! | Annual Giving Status 2023-2024 | Participation 55.8%

| Contributions ($K)2,076 